J. Cole – Neighbors – Nuova Uscita

Una traccia espressamente “ispirata da eventi reali”, riguardanti il raid della polizia, in seguito alle proteste dei vicini che lo avevano scambiato per uno spacciatore, nella casa affittata come studio da J. Cole.

“I can’t sleep cause I’m paranoid
Black in a white man territory
Cops bust in with the army guns
No evidence of the harm we done”

22 votes, average: 8,90 out of 1022 votes, average: 8,90 out of 1022 votes, average: 8,90 out of 1022 votes, average: 8,90 out of 1022 votes, average: 8,90 out of 1022 votes, average: 8,90 out of 1022 votes, average: 8,90 out of 1022 votes, average: 8,90 out of 1022 votes, average: 8,90 out of 1022 votes, average: 8,90 out of 10 (22 votes, average: 8,90 out of 10)

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