Nik Kershaw – The Riddle

Estratta dall’omonimo album del 1984, The Riddle è una canzone synthpop/pop rock dal testo enigmatico del polistrumentista e songwriter inglese Nik Kershaw, prodotta da Peter Collins.

20 votes, average: 7,50 out of 1020 votes, average: 7,50 out of 1020 votes, average: 7,50 out of 1020 votes, average: 7,50 out of 1020 votes, average: 7,50 out of 1020 votes, average: 7,50 out of 1020 votes, average: 7,50 out of 1020 votes, average: 7,50 out of 1020 votes, average: 7,50 out of 1020 votes, average: 7,50 out of 10 (20 votes, average: 7,50 out of 10)

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