Whitney Houston – I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)

Titolo: I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
Artista: Whitney Houston

Brano scritto a quattro mani da George Merrill e Shannon Rubicam dei Boy Meets Girl, che avevano già collaborato con Whitney scrivendole l’hit single precendente “How Will I Know”.
La voce incredibile e talentuosa della Houston offre una grande performance e infonde un tocco di tristezza in quella che sarebbe potuta essere solo un’altra pop song “meteora”.

38 votes, average: 9,30 out of 1038 votes, average: 9,30 out of 1038 votes, average: 9,30 out of 1038 votes, average: 9,30 out of 1038 votes, average: 9,30 out of 1038 votes, average: 9,30 out of 1038 votes, average: 9,30 out of 1038 votes, average: 9,30 out of 1038 votes, average: 9,30 out of 1038 votes, average: 9,30 out of 10 (38 votes, average: 9,30 out of 10)

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